Tifany, MSN, APRN, FNP-C
Yesterday, I sent an email about the right time to start your virtual practice...
And why I don't advise anyone to start their virtual practice when they feel burnt out, stressed, and overwhelmed by their full-time job.

To follow up on that email, here's a comment I got from a fellow telehealthpreneur a few months ago:
I’m feeling this way now. But I know my end goal. I signed up and purchased the starter package My head started hurting looking at the multistate licensing applications the other day I’m just going to do one at a time. girllll, those licenses are the worse.
Well, first of all, starting a virtual practice doesn't mean you have to obtain licenses for multiple states immediately.
In fact, it's more effective to focus on one or two key locations initially.
By doing so, you can concentrate your efforts on perfecting your processes, gaining experience, and building a solid foundation for your practice.
Also, Dymond’s comment further proves my point in yesterday's email:
It is crucial to consider your current circumstances and avoid diving headfirst into building a virtual practice when you're already feeling overwhelmed or burnt out.
Patience and strategic planning are key to achieving long-term success in your virtual practice journey.
So, if you are currently in a similar position to Dymond, I encourage you to take a deep breath, focus on your immediate goals, and take it one step at a time.
Remember, building a successful virtual practice is a marathon, not a sprint. By pacing yourself and being mindful of your own well-being, you'll be better equipped to navigate the challenges that come your way.
With warm regards,

Whenever you are ready… here are four ways I can help you escape burnout by building a profitable virtual practice: 1.) Register for my FREE Telehealpreneur Start-Up Workshop Discover the “Telehealthpreneur Framework” I used to go from being overworked and underpaid to building my dream career as a nurse practitioner – Click Here 2.) Get The Telehealthpreneur Start-Up Guide Learn how to generate additional monthly revenue on the side with the proven Telehealthpreneur Framework. The only start-up guide created by a Nurse Practitioner For Nurse Practitioners – Click Here 3.) Get a 30-minute Clarity Call With Me. Need clarity on telehealth or any of the things I teach? Get custom answers to your specific situation for 30 minutes. Some people have found these calls more valuable than all my content combined – Click Here 4.) Get The On-Demand Telehealthpreneur Start-Up Course. The ultimate training program for nurse practitioners to quickly build a profitable virtual practice in 2023 – Click Here